دور افتاده ...

دور افتاده ...

شاید زندگی آن جشنی نباشد که آرزویش را داشتی اما حال که به آن دعوت شدی تا میتوانی زیبا برقص...
دور افتاده ...

دور افتاده ...

شاید زندگی آن جشنی نباشد که آرزویش را داشتی اما حال که به آن دعوت شدی تا میتوانی زیبا برقص...



Don't abandon of yourself, be yourself umbrella, be yourself cloud, be yourself rani.

No doubt, GOD is genius to create you, forget his humans which disregard your femanish world...


you eat warm Naan first, this time. all olive in the world is yours, this time...

when you got cold feet, don't sob your loneliness، sing it. sing it load for warming your own heart.

Don't show your loneliness with crying ever, even you sing alone. keep your lullaby for yourself, this time...


it would be great, be guest of yourself for afternoon tea.

when tea is ready don't forget to wear your mini skirt, sugar cube will melt in jar when you drink acid taste of tea load...


laugh heartfelt, laugh at life. 

which if wasn't for your felling and kindness they would not judgement and would not order to legitimacy your freedom, have to report anywhere you go.

i know, their saying and their want it fell not only your ears even your soul...


Kind, sleep heartfelt, so you can forget little words which have broken your heart...

Real Lady, GOD loan existence peace in your eyes, your hug and right on your lips, go to hell who ever mess with your peaceful soul, go to hell who ever can't see your beautiful soul but knows well ups and downs of your body.

between us, GOD is shameful of caress's spot left on your body.


how are you feeling? how long have been not dreaming? by the way, still crying? you promise won't show your loneliness with crying, are you still waiting to hear, I LOVE YOU...?!

Let's change the subject.

let your hair grow longer, let them breath under scarf.

don't forget red nail polish, GOD create all pink, red just for you.

it's been long crows talking about peacocks.

let them keep gossiping, you don't forget your earrings.

you wish any time, bring your hand out of car and touch the wild body of wind. you wish any time, talk laugh load.

dance everyday, wish with your heart instrument or wish with...

Just, don't forget read book.


beautiful and complete

you are specific taste of GOD, that GOD which seat, put leg over leg and draw love over your dear soul's canvas.

so you are the finest...


the finest GOD's pome is you, laugh from bottom of your heart and leave feelings can't read you in your eyes...

I dedicate this to all women in world and dearest ladies in my life... 



Why lie?

What's lie anyway?

Some people think life or personality is like business. they try to sell themselves to buy prestige, respect,reputation...

The mask they use it totally fake, their worlds, thoughts, believes, faith is false.

If we look around ourselves we will be able to see the truth, it's just we don't want too! our eyes been use to see just front of nose...

Whole world is busy to put up the show, the show is all drama, dirty and massy.

The media, politic, celebrity, religious, even normal people like US...

I think the person lies, its look like beautiful colour balloon, which is have eye catching appearance but its totally empty inside...!

The Liars are DELUSIONAL... 

I hate liars, i have told them so so so many times.

She is IDIOT... 

She have no shame, one after other relive WTF she have done! but won't learn...