There are two coffee shop close to my work place on cross each other of the road,, every morning when i walking to work i leave my destiny to traffic lights.
Which ever side is green by the time i get there i will go that on...

But, if that i'm in is busy i will go other one.
I was thinking that's kind of life way too, We leave things on destiny where ever life take us, but there are the moment we make decision and make destiny for ourself...!!!
چطورررررررررررری [:S027:]خوبی خانومی.چه خبر احوال . خوش میگذره . بیا وبم به روز. بابا چی نوشتی حداقل ترجمه کن خوشکل خانوم
سلام عزیز، خوبم شکر هرز گاهی سری بهت میزنم... بازم میام...